I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
@ Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:28 PM
@ Monday, June 29, 2009 7:21 PM
Omg. Mr ben just told the whole class he reads my blog. LOL.
Why me??? D:
That means i have to make another blog and not link it to the class blog!
Hi people, sorry i didnt blog these few days.
Ive been really busy and i have nothing to talk about.
Ok so yea. Monday was the first day of school and there wasnt any lesson.
Lessons resume on Tuesday.
Today, in the morning during temperature taking. I had 35.8 degree.
And i took 3 times and it was still the same LOL.
Yea then it went back to normal after reccess.
Tmr i have PE so yay. I hope we dont do SOCCER. I WANT BADMINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Monday, June 22, 2009 2:04 AM

My dnt stuffs. bored. so posted this. First 4 pictures are random.
@ Saturday, June 20, 2009 6:33 PM
Hi people. Im bored. School's starting next week.
Also, there are like 170 cases of h1n1 in singapore!!!!!
i hope the moe extends our holiday :D
@ Friday, June 19, 2009 9:21 PM
Sorry. I was too busy to blog.
I shall talk about the
East coast park outing.So ya, 17 June or sth.
First day, went to Admiralty and met up with Bingxuan, benny, chunkang, junyong, yankai.
Ate KFC before going to causeway point. Went to the washroom and then went out of causeway.
On our way out, we met Wei xiang. Then stood at the door there talk talk talk.
Then suddenly got this guy hiding behind bingxuan. I was wondering who he was. Then i found out he was one of the police officer trying to catch someone. Lolz.
So after that the rest came. Me and bingxuan they all went to east coast first cus the rest have not arrived yet. Took about more than 30mins to reach there.
After reaching east coast, we went to find this machine where we could register our camp permit thing. We booked Area G. So anyway, as we were walking. We realised Area G was very far so we decided to just stay at Area D.
Pitched our tent and stuff and waited for the others to arrive. I went to erm, buy water.
After buying, i went back to tent and i saw the KZZ have arrived. We pitched another tent and then rested. Few hours later, went to the bicycle shop and rented 15 bikes LOL. So yea. It was a lot. Anyway, ate dinner at some weird coffeeshop and then went back to campsite.
Then they played some weirdo game and i didnt join cus my leg was cramping.
I was like, ''MY LEG CRAMPED. FK U'' LOL.. and they laughed. So ya, i sat down on the sand and watched them playy. Blahbalhbalbhalahlbalhh ate night got this weirdo badass came to the tent and asked they all for help. And i was HALF-ASLEEP so i didnt know wut happened.
I woke up to find everyone missing except jerene and jen. Then jerene and her sis was like, then no one will protect us? And they asked me to protect them lol.
I did, duh. So watched they all being fooled by that weirdo badass. Then they came out saying they were fooled and were used as tools to get something from a person. And then they keep talking about him and i was pretty annoyed. So i kept asking them if they wana eat or not.
So whatever. -.-
Next day, in the morning go eat breakfast then went to sleep again. And it was cold. And yankai kept on wanting and not wanting to sleep. So im like yea, just sleep. Then i woke up again and he wanted to sleep. So yea, he slept. And it was super cold like i said before. Very nice <3
So ya, woke up, bathe and stuff then pitched tent. Then went to return bicycle and took bus home.
@ Monday, June 15, 2009 3:54 AM
Changed blogskin! i really like this. Woooo OK BYE!!!11
@ Tuesday, June 2, 2009 1:24 PM
Hello people. I wanted to post yesterday but i was lazy.
SO imma talk about yesterday.
In the morning, i woke up around 11am or so.
Was suppose to go out but i told BX i would be late.
Then i went out, accompanied Bryan ( who was lost )
Then we walked to National library at woodlands.
He went home, i went up the library to find BX, YK, CK and benny.
After i reached, they told me they dont want study and i was like LOL???????????????????????
So i called Bryan that i would follow him go out later.
Then we went to causeway point. They ate lunch and i was listening to song.
They wanted to watch movie. But i told them i watched the movie they going to watch already.
Then i went down and waited for Bryan.
He was late so i went around buying food and stuff.
Then he arrived. Went orchard~
Walk walk walk walk till plaza singapura.
Ate our lunch/dinner then went back.
Went to Yenkhey house slack.
Go home at around 11+pm.
Reached home around 12+am.
Anw to LOL in tagbox, dont humji come my blog hide your name.
You want spread you come face to face with me. You dont fking hide your identity.