I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
@ Friday, February 27, 2009 6:54 PM
Hello people1#@)#@#!@#12
My name is sandy chen.
Today i sing for you.
I bang i bang oh baby i move i move~~
Today was good.
Morning, my class won some competition and we got first oo.
Then maths. Then blahblahblah.
After recess was english.
There was show and tell.
Qien talked about me.
Touched but paiseh :P:P
Thanks lah. :D
So thats about it.
I still have to make a blog for the blood donation drive which,
Im lazy to do cus i dont have any ideas how it should look like.
But i'll try to make it super nice and blahblah.
This shall be a short post cus im lazy anw.
@ Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:59 AM
Yesterday was okay for me.
Qien didnt come cus he had a headache and flu.
So I was sitting beside Wen Qian.
Also, Mr Yang came back. He was my sec3/2 Pe teacher. Cant remember.
He's super nice with us. And was like one of my favourite PE teachers.
Nothing happen after that.
I joined a group called achitots in habbo. It was back in 2005.
Here are the two webs,
They were the best friends ive ever had in habbo and have been really good to me.
Im limitless. back then. Most of us have quitted habbo but im one of the survivors.
Lol. I really miss all of the them and I hope there will be a reunion someday, somehow.
And also, i found some memories photo in Jon's room. The founder of achitots
@ Saturday, February 21, 2009 2:39 AM
Yesterday went to bugis with Qien, Yenkhey and Yangkuan.
Met them at causeway point at around 7 plus.
Lol, cwp was so crowded because fahrenheit was there. But wuzun wasnt there.
So after that, we went to Bugis. After reaching there, we found out yenkhey one of his slipper was broken. So we went around to find a cheap slippers. But no luck :S
After that, went to steamboat place.
But then, i had to take out money from my bank. So i went with qien to the ATM to take out money.
After getting all the stuffs we want. We ate.
It took about 2+ hours to finish everything. Was really full.
The meats were super nice but abit plain.
Qien auntie came then we went back together with her.
So funny sia, his auntie was so typical and fierce bodoh.
She was blocking the MRT doorway and me and the two YKs laughed.
I didnt tell them my bladder was super full and i really need to pee,
so when i reached admiralty i quickly dashed home and ran to the toilet lol.
All the heat in my body went out. wooohooo :D
So thats just it. Heres the before and after photo.

And... after,

Ok baiz.
@ Friday, February 20, 2009 12:03 AM
I had a really funny conversation with Rachel ( one of my internet friend ).
Heres our conversation,
R Wade says:
so glad u go tit it[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: ewu go titLOLR Wade says:
i typed wrongly
go tit!!
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: go tit go tit!1!!R Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: jason quick we must cheer go tit goR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: go tit goR Wade says:
go tit go!!
go titzen!!
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: go titizen LOL that sounds weird titizenR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: LOL titittitititizen tizen titzenR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: tikuki LOL tituki LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: titachel ok. titchel oh i was holding on a titchelR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: ooo lookR Wade says:
it has to have the S
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: my titchel name is mrs bunR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: titasonR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: LOL ..R Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOLR Wade says:
mine sounds glorious
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: imma put that in my msn LOLR Wade says:
tits or the gotits
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: TITCHEL LOLR Wade says:
tits of the gotits
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: GOOD MORNING TITCHELR Wade says:
tits shell
solid as a tit
i shouldnt have
said that
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: rough as a titR Wade says:
[UKi] you spin mi head right round says: LOLR Wade says:
what about titszen
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: noR Wade says:
creamy as a tit
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: titsonR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LOLR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: i wish my son name was titsonR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: i regreted calling him breastR Wade says:
tituki betta
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: yaR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: titukiJASON
R Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: my name is tituki, tata`~ tataki sounds like npcc HENTAK KAKIR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: ew jason quickR Wade says:
he is supa slow
what a tit
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: i know his tit is slowing him downR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: hes not replyin i think he laughed to deathR Wade says:
maybe we should have a titneral
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: ya pay tribute to the tits who have sacrifised their tits to save the titearth tearthR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LOLOLLR Wade says:
dear titson, sorry that your titty slowed u down, supa suck 2 b u and ur tit
ok tituki u cont
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: cont? oh ok cuntR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: dear titson, tit tit tit oh my handphone rang dear titson, tit tit you, tit tit us, tit tit we. we tit tit from day 1 to the end. we tit everyday tit today tit tommorow. I'll be tit now because you tit be round tit. im tit now, really tit.R Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LLLOLLR Wade says:
no its
what the tit
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LOLOLOLOL zomg WTT.R Wade says:
tits for the win!!!!
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says:tftw tpain tit pain LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LOL lOLR Wade says:
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LOLLR Wade says:
he is going to bust your ass if that guy knew that!!
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: LOL ohai tit pain oops LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLR Wade says:
im going to sleep
bye tituki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: ok bye titschelR Wade says:
till we tit again
[UKi] Tituki or titsuk LOL. says: ok faretitsR Wade says:
I know its a long conversation, but its super funny LOL.
Ok thats all, needa update my links.
@ Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:17 PM
Im lazy to post nowadays. So here i am.
I wana talk about my results for both my chemistry and physics.
Physics i got 23/25. Iunno who's highest but i dont really care anyway.
Ive been improving in physcis since sec3.
I kepts failing it. I thikn its because of the stupid methods and stuffs.
Then i started to understand the whole concept lol.
At the end of sec3, I got third in class for physics super cool pls.
Chemistry has been a... hard one for me. I got 19/25 for it.
Should have got higher but its okay. :D Overall i passed anyway.
Im super good in remembering chemistry stuffs, iunno why but i suck at tests.
I guess you cant look left and right at the same time lol.
Imma try to buck up on my language cus i suck at malay.
I passed by one mark and thats sad/happy.
Maths, im sure im gonna fail cus ive been failing it for the last three years?
BUT IM NOT GONNA GIVE UP!!@!!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!
And lastly i wana put this picture,

I drew this for total defence. I think the girl's cute but some people think its not.
I wonder why, hmmm.
1 week of not posting? ooo.
@ Saturday, February 14, 2009 1:52 PM
I didnt know I didnt post for 1 week.
I shall just post a lil bit.
I nearly fail mother tongue. I passed by 1 mark lolz.
Chemistry was super easy. Physics test was a so-so to me.
Geography test was ok. I understood the question.
I failed social studies, obviously. Now left with English test.
This morning I went to Causeway to find Qien.
He gave me my present. Which was late cus he keep forgetting.
My birthday was on 28 Jan and he gave me my present on Valentine Day.
I pei him to buy a watch for his GF. Then we walked around.
Met with Bx, Yk and Ck.
After that i went home cus i was bored.
At home, I opened the present. Oh wow. I got punked D:

I thought it was this stupid thing. So i opened the box and it was...

Its a mouse. Wow!!! so cool please but Ive a mouse already and its better than this.
But thanks anw qien :P Great punked.
PS; this is my 50th post :o
@ Sunday, February 8, 2009 12:53 AM
Woh. Im super tired now.
I just finished watching Gundam 00 season 2.
It was really interesting and nice.
The first season was really boring so i skipped it.
The latest episode was really cool.
The enemy attacked the orbital tower and it collapses.
Then, a lot of debris came falling down from the sky.
So all the mobile suits helped each other to protect the city.
It was supa cooolzzxczxczxczxzxcz.
And no, i didnt watch gundam the whole day.
I also played maple private server and habbo.
I saw a lot of my old friends in habbo and yes, they missed me. hhahaxhzchz
I quitted like one year ago and like ya, i didnt see them for a quite a while now.
But finally i met them, some only not all.
Sundays are a bore to me, especially when the whole family is at home.
I dont get much peace in the house cus everyone is supa noisy,
especially my little bro who irritates me the most.
Owell, gotta cope with it until he grows up.
Thats all. Nights.
@ Friday, February 6, 2009 5:43 PM
Im back.
Today was quite boring at first. Mr ben came back from his reservice.
Also, all class had to do the Lohei thing in class.
Yea lolz.
ok bai
Relink me plz.