I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Was from admiralty primary and woodlands ring secondary.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
@ Friday, April 30, 2010 6:52 PM
Hi im back to blogging, AGAIN.
Well school has been fucked up for me and ive been studying like hell noawadays.
You know why? Duh its exam.
Today was geography paper. Which, i didnt have time to finish my last LORMS question.
Tbh, the time was too short and i had a hard time doing my thinking + writing down.
Wah sian, felt like all the hard work i put into studying didnt really pay off.
Ahhhh.. omg. And also, they never update on the time so i was like... OKKKK sure got a lot of time one... dont worry. Then suddenly, times up! Like okay, wth. I seriously thought i still had time to finish up cus in my mind i was like, ok, i know what im going to write next. Then, just like that, the time was over??
W/e lah. Its just prelim. I still have O level. No sweat, no sweat!!!
So then, after school i went back home and changed my clothes cus i had to go out again to catch a movie. IP MAN 2. Omg so cool. The martial arts are awesome. Bruce lee looks lame but still yea its awesome. Not to be racist but, what kind of name is IP MAN. I thought it was I.P Man. As in oh hes some kind of a superhero or something. Geezus!!!
I wanna watch Iron man 2 next. I need money :( :(