I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
@ Friday, August 8, 2008 10:11 PM
Today, supposed to go to school but didnt. Cus... theres nothing to do in school.
Like we had to do this connection thingy and have to stand for like 3hours?
So i didnt go. haha.
Anw, two days ago, my class went to ITE.
Imma tell you everything!11
First day,Aseembled at school.
After taking pledge, ate breakfast in canteen.
Then, took bus to ITE.
After reaching ITE, my class was brought to a room for briefing.
After briefing, went to the canteen for tea brake.
One girl was like possesed? Lol.
Anw, i wont elaborate on that thing.
Ate snacks, then went for a tour. Almost all their rooms are aircon-ed.
Watched some animation then had lunch.
Me, Qien, Haryani and Wen Qian sneaked out of school to buy something.
We didnt know there was a shop nearby so we went rly far.
I bought mentos. Then, we went back to school.
After lunch, there was a program.
I had to choose ICT (infocomp), Business or Engineering.
I chose ICT ofcourse. But it was supa bored. :(
After the program, went to the Hall ( suprisingly, it was aircon-ed too!11)
Played hockey. I nearly shot a goal :(
So yea. That was first day.
Second day,
Same as usual, assembled at school.
Ate breakfast then took bus to ITE.
First program was... Business thingy.
Played a game and my group won.
Next was some computer thing.
The instructor is supa retarded.
His pen dropped and we didnt know where it was.
And he happily said,
''If you dont return my pen, i will call the police''
"See, im calling the police''
Then im like, wth, this is teacher is retarded and silly.
Hafriz imitated him. Damn funny.
Did some webcam thing for like 1hour or so.
After that lame thing, whole class had to do survey.
Then went back to school for physics class.
I finished my correction then went to Admiralty to buy something.
So blah blah blah blah blah.
The end.