I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Was from admiralty primary and woodlands ring secondary.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
Hello im back!
@ Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:05 PM
Yep! Ive decided to revive my blog.
Its plain but i like it. :D
Anywhoo, since today is a long schoolday, i shall blog bout today.
In the morning, I had a stomachache and was nearly late to school.
Like i had 1 minute left before the bell rings.
But i was so lucky i wasnt late!
Then i went to AVA room to do my duty.
Slack slack slack until finish duty.
So after that, i went back to class and half-slept.
First lesson was reading period then Chemistry.
Iunno why but im getting good in Chemistry.
Once, i answered all the questions and everyone was shocked lolz.
Sooooooooo i shall do really good in chemistry and beat qi en!!!1
Oh, if you're wondering why i said Qien, he bet me if i lose him to studies,
I will have to buy him F1 car ( toy one lah. ) And if i win he'll give me something.
So yeah. After Chemistry, it was recess.
Ate chicken cutlet with rice. Super nice hohoho.
After recess, it was Social studies.
There was a test and i dont even understand anything lolz.
So i just did my best. Good luck to myself, i need it :P
Then, it was english. Did comprehension. So easy.
Woh, then after English, it was Mother tongue!11
Omg Mother tongue is soooo boring.
Im so bad in mother tongue lahhh wthh..
So im like, go wid the flo!1
Next was lunch break. So imma skip skip skip.
Mr lim cy didnt come so some indian teacher came.
So i finish up my comprehension. See? Im so guai right.
Maths was one period only sooo it was quite short.
Last period was Geography.
As always, set up the laptop, take out book and blah blah blah.
Then Mileen ask me i got forest anot? Then i say yes lah.
I also got river, sea, mangrove, etc.
Then she told Larry and Larry laughed like fk!
Not funny ok :(
Omg and mdm chan said she stayed(stead) with a family.
Only me and benjamin laughed.
Yada yada yada. Then went back home with 5 peeps,
Junyong, Larry, Qien and Jonathan.
Saw ms heng going inside the taxi, then i laughed.
Lol, not to be mean lah. But its so funny.
Went to admiralty, bought chocolate oreo ice blended from Sweettalk.
Super nice. Thennnnnnnnn.... went back home alone. Sad larrrr...
Bathed, rot then watched teeveee.