I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
@ Wednesday, August 15, 2007 11:13 PM
Its been like weeks since i blogged. So i'm blogging now. Ok. Let me see what i should write :X
Ya k, First imma talk about today.. Morning had CE. Mdm Su was like joking with us all.
She gave us riddles and each group had to answer each chosen question. My group chose this question, Draw a rectangle with three lines. We got it wrong 3 times. And finally me and huizhu
got the answer. At first we thought we had to make a rectange with only three lines. But then,
We realised we had to put the lines inside the rectangle cus it says, ''Draw a rectangle with three lines''. Yeye. And now our group score is 66. We're tied with the third group. Dissapointing aint it?
Ok so lets skip to the part after recess! Yea! There was a talk or i can say, MOC which stands for
Momerendum of Co-operation with the Singapore Poly. After the boring talkings, there was this Ang moh who came forward to show the sec 2 and 3 all the oh-so-cool gadgets that they invented.
Aiyo ar, I was at the control room. It was veh warm -.-ll. But, Mr tan gave one of us 20dollar to buy sth cus all of teh crew were tired and hungry. The talk finished at about 1pm and theres only 1 lesson left so yea. Lasst lesson was... IPW. Nothing to do so i made thiss figurine with plasticine. I made a guy kissing a girl and my group was like, ''Wtf''. Lol.
I forgot to thank Joanne for making this skin :D, altho the thing at the bottom bar issss.... nvm.