I am uki/syukri.
I am 17.
Was from admiralty primary and woodlands ring secondary.
Don't like me, just gtfo. Thanks.
@ Sunday, May 27, 2007 12:19 AM
ok worx, as you know last thursday i went to camp which was 3 days 2 nights. At first i thought it was boring and sickening. But my thoughts were wrong. It was really fun during the nights where i always jump on my bed cus i was bored. ok so the first day, we had to decorate our flag with the name RAFFLES (that was my group).Ok When it was like lunch, we were like ''omg its food!'' then suddenly the commander came and told us to repeat this stupid NE Message which was irritating cus we were force to repeat it over and over again till we are loud enough.Then we went out for treasure hunt at singapore river and guess wot? we WON. So after that tiring day of running and breathing, We went back to the camp site. At night..i wanted to sleep then got this two friend of mine said that it was warm so they slept beside me. Then one of them scarsd me when he woke up and shivering -.- and then went back to his bed and slept like wth. Ok so the next morning bathe, flag ceremony and then eat breakfast. Then my group went to this place and played few games~Then went out for amazing race at chinatown.We got last? lol.From first to last, nvm la luck wasn't with us. So we got back, then Mdm Timah bought all the malays roti prata cus we never eat lunch.Then my leader was so jealous hah. Ok so at night, i stood on my bed and jump and jump haha and even dance LOL. ok la my group dam fun leh. Then the campfire started at night, everyone was enthusiastic or w/e. At first dam fun, then at last dam boring la cus everyone were tired -.-, and strangly the next day we were told that my group cheer won!11 i was like wtf? is this for sure? cus we didn't practice that much. But oh well winner is winners.